We are responsible for our activities and their effects.
As an upright part of society, we are awake to this implication. We are happy to assume that responsibility, long-term in a sustainable manner. We set moves and measures to make this world a better one, also off core business. This is not only valid for ecological sustainability but also for social and society value.
We set great store by long-term cooperations, as they are most sustainable. Hence, we like to present valued partners of us: The Lions Club Salzburg Papageni is supported for his regional focus of social activities, such as donations for families in need, for a social private care club or for the children's hospice Papageno Salzburg. The Lions Club Salzburg Amadea dedicates its activities to people in serious difficulties, to the clown doctors and to sponsorships for children. The Home Base, in turn, emphasises direct help for people in need, suffering from illness, addiction or homelessness. They provide support through food, community and care.
As children's wellbeing is very important to us, we cooperate with the association "Kinder haben Zukunft". They take care of children who do not have the most fundamental aspects of care and supply, and they further support them with education and training, in health issues, therapies and utilities, as well as in reasonable sports and recreational activities.
In addition, we support specific, meaningful projects. As an example, we sponsor special motor function facilities for recreation and exercise areas at a school for handicapped children, so that these children can enhance concentration in a lighthearted way.
The people in these organisations work actively to make our world a better one. We are more than happy to sponsor and support the social and societal value of their work with our donations and aid.